
K1.2 Population growth

Polni naziv kazalanika

Total population growth

Kratek naziv kazalnika
Population growth
Področje, podpodročje
Residents and community
Purpose and justification of the indicator

The indicator Total population growth per 1,000 inhabitants shows the relative growth of the population in a certain area. In addition to natural movement (births and deaths), migration also affects the number of inhabitants. In general, it is considered that migrations are directed to regions with better economic opportunities, with the aim of improving the living standards of migrants. The immigration of the working population to a certain area means an improvement of the development and demographic potential of the area, which is consequently reflected in the health of the population. On the other hand, immigration from very different cultural backgrounds presents new challenges for the health system and often requires adjustments in approaches to improving lifestyles.

Definition of indicator

Total population growth means the ratio between the sum of natural and migration growth in a given area in a calendar year and the population in the middle of the same year in a given area, multiplied by 1,000.

Total growth is the sum of natural and migration growth in a given area in a calendar year.

Natural increase is the difference between the number of live births and the number of deaths in a given area in a calendar year.

Migration growth is the difference between the number of immigrants and emigrants in a certain area in a calendar year.

Population is the number of inhabitants in a certain area in a calendar year.

Unit of measure

A relative number.

Calculation of the indicator

Total population growth is the ratio between the sum of natural growth and migration growth of the population in a calendar year and the number of all inhabitants in the middle of the same year, multiplied by 1,000.

Population growth

=(Natural increase)+(Migration increase)Population×1.000

Data sources for Slovenia

Population, Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia.

Time availability

The data are published annually, available from 1995 onwards.

Men in literature
  1. Demographic indicators and methods of their calculation, Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia ( http://www.stat.si/doc/pub/rr776-2002/met_izracun/izracun.htm ).
Prepared by: Mojca Simončič and Metka Zaletel Date of last change: January 2018
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