
K1.4 Primary educated adults (primary school or less)

Polni naziv kazalanika

Adults between 25 and 64 years of age, with a lower level of education

Kratek naziv kazalnika
Primary educated adults (primary school or less)
Področje, podpodročje
Residents and community
Purpose and justification of the indicator

The indicator shows adults with a lower level of education, who represent one of the more vulnerable groups on the labor market. Education is one of the most important dimensions of socio-economic status. It is measured in stages, namely from the lowest to the highest achieved level of education. Education is
important if a person is employed, as it enables him to progress, a healthy lifestyle and provides him with the knowledge and skills to obtain useful information regarding health. Education has a major impact on health and mortality. With a higher education, we have the possibility of safer employment, of working with
greater reputation, as a result greater autonomy at work and higher income is allowed. People with a higher education acquire certain knowledge through their studies, which gives them a broader view of the world, achieve greater flexibility in their responses, are open to new things, have easier access to information and understand it more easily. Education enables us to have greater control over our lives, to solve various (life) problems more effectively and to take care of our health effectively. Changes in socio-economic conditions have a direct impact on the deterioration of the material condition of residents due to loss of employment, ongoing unemployment with difficulties in paying regular monthly obligations, the fear of losing employment and uncertain expectations for the future spreads among people, all of which directly or indirectly affect health and behavioral style of individuals, families and society. For example, people with worse socio-economic conditions die earlier, live longer with disabilities, among them are more widespread risk factors such as: smoking, alcohol, unhealthy eating and exercise habits and others.

Definition of indicator

Primary educated adults shows the share of the population aged between 25 and 64 whose last completed level of education is primary school or less.

The education achieved is the highest achieved publicly valid education, which a person generally acquires by successfully completing a publicly valid educational or study program. A person can also acquire a publicly valid education through other educational paths, which include successfully passing a master's, work management or management exam. A person proves the acquisition of education with a public document (certificate, diploma, etc.). The level of education achieved is determined on the basis of the Education and Training Classification System - KLASIUS. Information about KLASIUS is available at: http://www.stat.si/klasius/ .

Lower level of education – covers the primary education attained at most (no education, incomplete primary education and completed primary education).

An uneducated person is a person who has not completed a single grade of primary school.

Incomplete basic education is the education of a person who:
- did not complete primary school;
- she did not finish primary school and learned to work;
- has not completed elementary school and has completed a publicly valid job training program.

Primary education is the education obtained by a person who has completed 8 classes of an eight-year primary school or less, if he completed his education at a time when primary education lasted less than 8 years.

Unit of measure

Percent (%).

Calculation of the indicator

Adults between the ages of 25 and 64 with a lower level of education is the ratio of the number of residents aged between 25 and 64 whose last completed level of education is primary school or less to the total number of residents aged between 25 and 64, multiplied by 100.

Primary educated adults

=Number of inhabitants with a lower level of education (25-64 years)Number of inhabitants (25-64 years)×100

Data sources for Slovenia

Population, Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia.

Time availability

Data are published annually, available from 2011 onwards.

Men in literature
  1. Tavčar Kranjc M. Gender differences in educational system in Slovenia. University of Maribor, 2008.
  2. Šešerko M. The influence of social factors on health. Thesis. Ljubljana, 2009.
  3. Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia ( http://www.stat.si/statweb ).
Prepared by: Mojca Simončič Date of last change: March 2017
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