
K1.5 Level of work activity

Polni naziv kazalanika

Active residents between the ages of 15 and 64

Kratek naziv kazalnika
Level of work activity
Področje, podpodročje
Residents and community
Purpose and justification of the indicator

The level of work activity, i.e. the share of the working population, is considered a key social indicator for the analytical study of developments in the labor market. For an individual, regular work represents certainty for the future and thus greater self-confidence in life decisions that concern the existence and creation of a family. With better existential starting points, the individual is more self-confident in relation to society, which is reflected in all levels of living and also in the state of health. Material status often indirectly and directly affects the possibilities for a healthy lifestyle. The loss of regular employment is also reflected in self-esteem and thus indirectly affects a higher risk of developing mental illnesses, especially mood disorders.

Definition of indicator

The labor activity rate is the percentage share of the working population aged between 15 and 64 by municipality of permanent residence.

The working population consists of employed and self-employed persons aged between 15 and 64.

Unit of measure

Percent (%).

Calculation of the indicator

The Labor Activity Rate indicator shows the percentage share of the working population aged between 15 and 64 among all residents aged between 15 and 64.

Level of work activity

=Number of working population (15-64 years)Number of all inhabitants (15-64 years)×100

Data sources for Slovenia

Population, Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia.

Time availability

The data are published annually, available from 2002 onwards.

Men in literature

Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia ( http://www.stat.si/doc/metod_pojasnila/07-009-MP.htm ).


The source of the indicator is administrative, the source of data for the activity is the Statistical Register of the Working Population, which is filled out from M-forms.

Prepared by: Metka Zaletel Date of last modification: September 2016
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