
K1.6 Labor migration

Polni naziv kazalanika

Labor Migration Index

Kratek naziv kazalnika
Labor migration
Področje, podpodročje
Residents and community
Purpose and justification of the indicator

The purpose of the Labor Migration Index indicator is to monitor the mobility of workers in the territory of Slovenia and to identify work flows between individual territorial units, such as municipalities, administrative units or statistical regions. The intensity of labor migration depends on the level of socio-economic development, the method or population density, distribution of employment centers and, ultimately, good transport infrastructure.

The indicator of labor migration shows the deficit or surplus of jobs in a certain territorial area.

Definition of indicator

The index of labor migration represents the ratio between the number of working population (excluding farmers) in a certain territorial unit of the workplace and the number of working population (excluding farmers) in the territorial unit of residence multiplied by 100. It shows the deviation from the average (100.0) as a percentage, which would mean that all working residents who have a permanent residence in a certain municipality also have a workplace in that same municipality, and conversely that everyone who has a workplace in that municipality also has a permanent residence in the same municipality.

The working population (excluding farmers) by territorial unit of workplace are persons who have a workplace in a certain municipality (administrative unit, statistical region), regardless of where they have registered residence.

The working population (excluding farmers) by territorial unit of residence are persons who have a registered residence in a certain municipality (administrative unit, statistical region), regardless of the municipality in which they are employed.

Depending on the value of this indicator, individual territorial units are divided into the following categories:

Working municipalities (administrative units, regions):Labor Migration Index
Extremely working116.0 or higher
Moderately working96.0–115.9
Residential municipalities (administrative units, regions): 
Weakly habitable76.0–95.9
Moderately habitable56.0–75.9
Mostly residential36.0–55.9
Distinctly residential35.9 or less

The labor migration index is an indicator that, for a given territorial unit, connects the number of jobs with the number of working-age residents (according to their place of residence). It only measures labor migration between individual territorial units, but does not take into account all internal labor migration within the observed territorial unit.

Unit of measure

A relative number.

Calculation of the indicator

The labor migration index is the ratio between the number of working-age residents who have a job in the municipality and the working-age residents who have a permanent residence in this municipality, multiplied by 100.

Labor migration

=Number of working population, by territorial unit of workplaceNumber of working population, by territorial unit of residence×100

Data sources for Slovenia

Methodological explanations, Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia.

Time availability

Data are published annually, available from 2000 onwards.

Men in literature

Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia ( http://www.stat.si/doc/metod_pojasnila/07-234-mp.htm ).


Labor migration index:

  1. does not show migration within municipalities,
  2. does not distinguish between daily, weekly and monthly migrations,
  3. since there are more and more companies that do not register units in the composition, the labor migration index may be misleading for some municipalities where large companies are located.
Prepared by: Metka Zaletel Date of last modification: September 2016
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