
K2.14 Participation in community decisions

Polni naziv kazalanika

Participation in community decisions

Kratek naziv kazalnika
Participation in community decisions
Področje, podpodročje
Health risk factors
Purpose and justification of the indicator

Newer approaches to community health care are blurring the lines between sectors that provide health-related services. We think of health more and more in terms of strengthening health, and less in terms of treating diseases. Health care no longer concerns only health care services, but also social care, education, spatial and environmental planning services and other municipal organizations. In recent years, it has been increasingly recognized that in addition to physical and ecological factors, social characteristics of the environment - infrastructural arrangement, acceptance or. residents' connection, safety and the possibility of citizens' participation in decision-making and community action to improve their home environment. From the perspective of resident health, a supportive community is one that is safe, attractive, affordable, environmentally and economically sustainable, and socially connected and inclusive. Residents of municipalities are certainly the most important and reliable source of information about how orderly and successful their local community is. where they see an opportunity for improvements in the environment, as they use infrastructure facilities in their activities and in their daily lives and are therefore the first to know when changes are needed. Some citizens or groups have information from the field, others have a lot of theoretical knowledge, and still others can be crucial in the actual implementation of new measures.

Involving citizens in decision-making processes in the municipality not only brings changes for the better, but also helps to facilitate the introduction of innovations, at the same time increases citizens' trust in the work of the municipality, brings new views and knowledge to the process, raises awareness, encourages discussions and monitors the work of those responsible. By monitoring and evaluating the process of citizen involvement, we can check whether the municipality is achieving the set goals, we can respond in time to possible deviations and adjust consultation methods, or we can obtain valuable data that will be useful in making decisions and consultations in the future. The transition to more sustainable social and individual behavior requires holistic approaches at the national and local level, where the input of both decision-makers and community residents is crucial.

Definition of indicator

The indicator "Participation in community decisions" shows the proportion of people aged 18-74 who answered in the survey that they think they can participate in community decisions and help change things for the better in their locality.

Unit of measure

Percent (%).

Calculation of the indicator

The indicator "Participation in community decisions" shows the ratio of the number of people who answered the question "Do you think you can participate in community decisions and help change things for the better in your place?" in the "Health-related behavioral style" survey. YES, and the number of all persons who answered the questionnaire, multiplied by 100.

Participation in community decisions

Number of people who feel they can participate in community decisionsThe number of all persons who responded to the survey questionnaire×100

The indicator for the municipality is calculated on the basis of a model that takes into account the prevalence of participation in community decisions (including YES responses) at the level of the administrative unit and demographic data of the municipality.

Data sources for Slovenia

Health-Related Behavioral Style Survey (CINDI), National Institute of Public Health.

Time availability

Data is collected periodically.

The survey was conducted in 2001, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016 and 2020.

Men in literature

1. Residents' participation in decision-making at the local level. Ministry of Public Administration, Directorate for Local Self-Government, Non-Governmental Organizations and Political System, Sector for Local Self-Government. Available on 24/02/2023 at https://www.gov.si/teme/sodelovanje-prebivalcev-pri-odlocanju-na-lokalni-ravni/.

2. Guidelines for the inclusion of citizens and other interested groups in decision-making processes in the municipality. Ministry of Public Administration. Ljubljana 2017. Available on 24/02/2023 at https://www.gov.si/assets/ministrstva/MJU/Lokalna-samouprava/Smernice-za-vkljucevanje-obcanov-in-drugih-zainteresiranih-skupin-v-procese-odlocanja- v-municipality-2017.pdf

3. Gjorgjev D, Dimovska M, Morris G, Howie J, Borota Popovska M, Topuzovska Latkovikj M. How Good Is our Place-Implementation of the Place Standard Tool in North Macedonia. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019 Dec 27;17(1):194. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17010194. PMID: 31892126; PMCID: PMC6981766.

4. Giles-Corti B, Badland H, Mavoa S, Turrell G, Bull F, Boruff B, Pettit C, Bauman A, Hooper P, Villanueva K, Astell-Burt T, Feng X, Learnihan V, Davey R, Grenfell R. , Thackway S. Reconnecting urban planning with health: a protocol for the development and validation of national liveability indicators associated with noncommunicable disease risk behaviors and health outcomes. Public Health Res Pract. 2014 Nov 28;25(1):e2511405. doi: 10.17061/phrp2511405. PMID: 25828444.

5. How can I participate in decision-making in my local community (forms of direct democracy in local communities). Matevžič G, Divjak T. Legal and information center of non-governmental organizations - PIC. Ljubljana 2008. Available 24/02/2023 at http://pic.si/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/odlocanje-v-svoji-lokalni-skup.pdf


The survey includes people aged 18-74. The survey does not cover the population residing in the institution at the time of the survey. The answers are based on a subjective assessment of the living environment.

Prepared by: Victoria Zakrajšek Date of last change: March 2023
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