
K4.13 Help at home

Polni naziv kazalanika

Proportion of home care users among people aged 65 and over

Kratek naziv kazalnika
Help at home
Področje, podpodročje
Health status
Purpose and justification of the indicator

Due to demographic changes in Slovenia, the issue of elderly residents is becoming more prominent in the social and health system. The elderly are more exposed to the risk of poverty, social exclusion and greater need for long-term care services and other services adapted to the elderly that facilitate daily integration into the environment and life.

According to the Social Welfare Act, family assistance at home is one of the social welfare services. It covers the beneficiary's social care in case of old age, disability and in other cases where help at home can replace institutional care. According to the definition in the Resolution on the National Social Security Program for the period 2013-2020, assistance at a home for the elderly belongs to support and assistance services for social integration and independent living in the community. These services are provided by social work centers, care and work centers, homes for the elderly, special social institutions, home care institutions and private concessionaires. Home help service for the elderly includes help with basic daily tasks, household help and help in maintaining social contacts. The target group is people aged 65 and over who, due to age or the phenomena accompanying old age, are not capable of living a completely independent life.

Since support and assistance services for social integration and independent living in the community are not yet sufficiently developed, they will be developed and supplemented with new forms by 2020. The organization of help at home falls under the jurisdiction of the municipalities, which regulate the price of the service with the amount of the subsidy. The high price of the service in some municipalities is one of the reasons for the low involvement of elderly people in this service. Although there is a legal obligation for municipalities to provide help at home for their citizens, this is not provided everywhere - a lot depends on the individual municipality, its development and social sensitivity or responsibility and other reasons.

In the period 2006 - 2010, the Resolution on the National Social Security Program had the goal of providing home care for the elderly for at least 3% of the target population, or at least 10,000 people over the age of 65, and the current Resolution for the period 2013 - 2020 states the goal of providing assistance at homes for the elderly for at least 3.5% of the target population, or 14,000 persons in the whole of Slovenia.

Definition of indicator

The proportion of home care users among people aged 65 and over describes the ratio between the number of home care users due to age or age-related conditions who are aged 65 and over and the number of residents aged 65 and over.

Unit of measure

Percent (%).

Calculation of the indicator

The share of home help users is the ratio of the number of people aged 65 and over who are involved in home help due to age or phenomena that accompany age, on 31 December. of the observed calendar year and the number of inhabitants aged 65 and over at the beginning of the following calendar year, multiplied by 100.

Help at home

=Number of persons involved in home care (65+ years)Number of inhabitants (65+ years)×100


Data sources for Slovenia

Annual reports on implementation of assistance at home, Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Social Welfare

Population, Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia

Time availability

Data for Slovenia are available from 2007 onwards. Data are published annually.

Men in literature
  1. Nagode M, Lebar L, Jakob Krejan P. Implementation of help at home: analysis of the situation in 2013: final report. Ljubljana: Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Social Welfare , 2014.
  2. Implementation of help at home, analysis of situations in different years. Final reports. Ljubljana: Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Social Welfare. ( http://www.irssv.si/index.php/raz-porocila/socialne- zavje#dolgotrajna-oskrba-in-varstvo-starej%C5%A1ih )
  3. Resolution on the national program of social protection for the period 2006–2010 (ReNPSV06-10), Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia – 039/2006
  4. Resolution on the National Social Security Program for the period 2013–2020 (ReNPSV13–20), Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia – 039/2013
  5. Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia ( http://www.stat.si/StatWeb )
Prepared by: Mojca Simončič and Metka Zaletel Date of last change: October 2019
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