
K4.2 Sick Leave

Polni naziv kazalanika

Days of sick leave of working residents

Kratek naziv kazalnika
Sick Leave
Področje, podpodročje
Health status
Purpose and justification of the indicator

The sickness absence indicator shows the general state of health and ability to work of employed and self-employed residents. In addition to objective illness problems, the individual decision to take sick leave is influenced by a complex interplay of factors, such as workplace conditions, including interpersonal relationships and work organization, family and personal circumstances, the scope of rights in the social insurance system, and also conditions on the labor market. Uncertainty on the labor market, fear of job loss, and the fact that in times of high unemployment it is easier to keep a regular job and get healthier, are factors that result from the development and success of employers in the wider area and also locally. The municipality also contributes to creating conditions for good employers through various local policies and incentives.

Definition of indicator

Sick leave is shown as the average number of calendar days of incapacity for work per working resident. The days that the selected personal physicians enter on the certificate of medically excused absence from work are taken into account. Days of sick leave for all reasons are included; from illnesses, injuries, to child care and others. The indicator is also called the disability index (IO).

Unit of measure

Days calculated on the number of working people, i.e. employed and self-employed residents.

Calculation of the indicator

Sickness absence of working residents is the ratio between the total number of days of sick leave of residents and the number of all working residents in the observed calendar year.

Sick Leave

=Number of days of sick leave of residentsNumber of working population

Employed residents include those insured according to insurance bases: 001, 002, 005, 008, 011, 012, 013, 016, 019, 020, 021, 027, 028, 029, 034, 036, 040, 051, 052, 064, 072 , 074, 085, 090, 091, 103, 104

Data sources for Slovenia

NIJZ Collection 3 on temporary absence from work due to illness, injuries and other health-justified reasons, National Institute of Public Health

Employed residents, the database of insured persons managed by the Institute for Health Insurance of Slovenia

Time availability

The indicator is prepared for the period of one calendar year once a year, presumably in September of the following year. Sickness absence at the level of working population of the municipality has been calculated since 2013.

According to the current definitions, data on sick leave have been available since 1997. The percentage of sick leave has been published since 1962.

Men in literature
  1. National Institute of Public Health (http://www.nijz.si/)
  2. Institute for Health Insurance of Slovenia (http://www.zzzs.si/)
  3. World Health Organization, Health For All Database (http://data.euro.who.int/hfadb/ Absenteeism from work due to illness, days per employee per year)

The markedly older age structure of the working population and difficult working conditions in certain economic activities can contribute to greater sickness absence independently of the factors of the local environment.

Prepared by: Tatjana Kofol Bric Date of last modification: September 2016
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