Lets go play!

Let's go swimming

In Ravne na Koroškem, on the basis of poorer health indicators in the field of physical activity of children and young people, we have included the promotion of movement of all generations in the municipal action plan. Adults as well as children and adolescents are exposed to many risk factors for the occurrence of various diseases due to insufficient physical activity or an increasingly sedentary lifestyle.

Let's go swimming

Therefore, within the framework of the project Ravne - a healthy city under the auspices of the Municipality of Ravne na Carinthia, the partners of the health group (NIJZ OE Ravne, Kindergarten Ravne na Carinthia, School Center Ravne na Carinthia, Mežiške dolina Diabetic Association) have prepared a publication with old movement games entitled Let's Go spilat. The games of our grandmothers, grandfathers, uncles, aunts, mothers and fathers were interesting and stimulating for the development of various movement skills. In order not to be forgotten, we collected them in a booklet that should serve as a manual or simply as inspiration for ideas on how to spend a day outdoors with friends and family. In order to invite children and young people to play old games in an interesting way, we also recorded the games with children. Thus, we placed QR codes in the publication, through which access to videos showing individual games is enabled.

You can read more about the publication at the link: https://www.nijz.si/sl/gremo-se-spilat-igre-za-zabavo-na-prostem

The publication was presented to the public for the first time at a municipal event on the occasion of World Health Day, namely on April 7 in Castle Park in Ravne, where associations and public institutions presented their activities and carried out many interesting activities.

Prepared by: NIJZ Regional Unit Ravne na Koroškem

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