The "Šentjur-healthy city" project group is concerned with strengthening health in Šentjur

Promotion of the national screening programs Svit, Zora and Dora in Šentjur.

FIGURE 1: Promotion of the national screening programs Svit, Zora and Dora in Šentjur.

In order to care for the health of the citizens, three interdisciplinary groups, which previously worked independently in the area of the municipality, joined the project group "Šentjur-healthy city" in the municipality of Šentjur:

  • Local group for strengthening health and reducing inequalities in health in the municipality of Šentjur,
  • project group "Šentjur-a healthy city" and
  • Local Action Group (LAS) for the prevention of addiction in the municipality of Šentjur.

Healthy city week in Šentjur, April 12, 2023.

FIGURE 2: Healthy city week in Šentjur, April 12, 2023.

The extended project group "Šentjur-a healthy city" consists of representatives of the Municipality of Šentjur, the Center for Health Promotion Šentjur, the Kozjansko Development Agency, the Celje Regional Unit of NIJZ, the advisory service of primary schools, the Šentjur Kindergarten, the Šentjur Labor Office, the People's University of Šentjur, the Red Cross - The Šentjur Regional Association, the Šentjur Youth Center, the Šentjur Police Station, the Center for Social Work-units Šentjur pri Celje, the Šentjur Home for the Elderly, the Šentjur School Center, the Šentjur Regional Chamber of Crafts and Entrepreneurship and the Šentjur Skrinja Association. The group is coordinated by the head of the social activities department of Šentjur Municipality.

The project group prepared a long-term plan for maintaining and strengthening the health of residents in the municipality of Šentjur 2022-2030 . The implementation of measures in accordance with the strategic directions is more precisely defined in the two-year action plans of the project group.

From the left: Alojz Antlej, Ambassador of the Svit Program, Tatjana Škornik Tovornik, Regional Unit Celje NIJZ, mag. Marko Diaci, mayor of Šentjur Municipality.

PICTURE 3: From left: Alojz Antlej, Ambassador of the Svit Program, Tatjana Škornik Tovornik, Regional Unit Celje NIJZ, mag. Marko Diaci, mayor of Šentjur Municipality.

One of the measures of the action plan is the annual Šentjur Healthy City Week. This year, the main event of the Šentjur Healthy City Week was held on April 12, 2023, on the Town Square in Šentjur, under the title Care for Health Promotion. Numerous organizations and associations from the fields of health, healthy food production, sports, culture, social welfare and education participated with presentation stands and their activities. The program was co-created by colleagues from the Health Promotion Center of the Šentjur Health Center and colleagues from the Celje Regional Unit of the NIJZ and the Society for the Fight against Cancer in the Celje Region, in cooperation with the Ambassador of the Svit Program .

The team of the Health Promotion Center from the Šentjur Health Center and the Ferdent dental clinic at an event about health in Šentjur.

PICTURE 4: The team of the Health Promotion Center from the Šentjur Health Center and the Ferdent dental clinic at an event about health in Šentjur.

The experts of the Šentjur Health Promotion Center performed the "Am I fit" physical fitness test, conducted sensory tasting of food in cooperation with local providers, and presented care for a tobacco-free life and reduction of alcohol consumption. The participants of the event also received information about maintaining oral health.

The team of the Center for Health Promotion from the Šentjur Health Center, which performed a two-kilometer walking test at the event.

PICTURE 5: The Health Promotion Center team from the Šentjur Health Center, which performed a two-kilometer walking test at the event.

The experts of NIJZ, Celje Regional Unit, together with the Svit Ambassador and the Society for the Fight against Cancer of the Celje Region, motivated the participants of the event to participate in the national screening Program Svit, which is aimed at early detection and prevention of colon and rectal cancer; interested visitors were taken through an inflatable model of the large intestine and were introduced to the pathological changes that can occur in the intestine. The participants were also motivated to participate in the Dora screening program for the early detection of breast cancer and the Zora screening program for the early detection and prevention of cervical cancer. Many participants of the event, adults as well as children, were encouraged to take care of their health and a healthy lifestyle as much as possible, and they were introduced to the general recommendations for health, which are written in the European Code against Cancer .


Anja Strmšek, Tatjana Škornik Tovornik, Ksenija Lekič, Nuša Konec Juričič, Lea Peternel

OE Celje, NIJZ

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