The importance of environmental and health information

Environmental pollution affects people's health and well-being. Because the interrelationships between environmental influences on human health are often complex, they are difficult to assess. The impact of polluted air or drinking water is most often mentioned, but increasingly also the impact of climate change, electromagnetic radiation and chemicals on human health. The issue of chemicals is particularly pressing in connection with environmental disasters, the content of hormone disruptors in water and soil pollution and food quality.

Our lifestyle is an important determinant of health

An individual's health is variable and, like the environment, is related to many factors, which are called health determinants. Some factors, such as gender, age, genetics, we cannot directly influence others, but we can. Lifestyle, as one of the important determinants of health, can promote better health or strengthen it, but it can also lead to the development of diseases. Lifestyle means, for example: what and how much we eat and drink, how much we exercise, what our vices are (smoking, drinking alcohol, eating and drinking regime and exercise). For health, they are a way of dealing with stress. A healthy individual is active and creative, does his work, overcomes common diseases faster and in this way brings benefit to society. More information is available at the link:

Inequalities in health depend on the socio-economic status of the individual

Lifestyle is often related to education and income. People with higher education and higher incomes have, on average, healthier lifestyle habits and consequently better health, and vice versa. Socio-economic status is one of the main causes of inequalities in health, which are unjust and preventable.

We monitor the situation in the field of environment and health with indicators

Indicators on the environment and health are data selected and presented in an agreed manner. With them, we want to show in a simple and comprehensible way the impact of a polluted environment on human health. Since the indicators are developed in accordance with the methodology of the World Health Organization, they are internationally comparable. They provide data and information about the state of the environment and health at the national level, and are presented over a long period of time. The information contained in the indicators is intended to support decision-making and the general public, for a better understanding of the issue. They are being developed in cooperation between the National Institute of Public Health (hereinafter: NIJZ) and the Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for the Environment (hereinafter: ARSO). The indicators examine the areas of air quality, drinking water, food safety, radiation, chemical safety and noise and their impact on human health (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Impact of a polluted environment on human health
Figure 1: Impact of a polluted environment on human health

Scientific findings show that measures to reduce environmental pollution have a positive effect on health and also mean savings in the state treasury. That is why we face a big challenge - how to transfer knowledge about the environment and health to improve policies and thereby reduce negative consequences? Which measures are right? What are the best options available to us? What is the path to the goals? For a successful solution, the cooperation of various professions, the general public, science and the support of politics are of utmost importance.


Prepared by: mag. Nataša Kovač, Univ. B.Sc. chem.

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