Municipality of Žiri - Slovenian Municipality of Health 2021

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Municipality of Ziri

In February 2021, the National Institute of Public Health (NIJZ) in cooperation with Zlati Kamn, the leading Slovenian portal for monitoring the development of municipalities, awarded the Municipality of Health award for the second year in a row. The merits of the Municipality of Health 2021 were highlighted by cf. Alenka Hafner dr. honey spec, head of OE Kranj, NIJZ.

The municipality of Žiri, which is on the outskirts of the Gorenje region and seemingly cut off from important road connections, was the most developed Gorenje municipality in the last period (2018/19). It stands out not only for its development, it also records excellent results in the area of the health of its inhabitants. The children and young people of this municipality are the most physically active in Slovenia, and among them are also the least overnourished. Education for a healthy lifestyle during the period of children and adolescents is of course the most rational and sensible, as it means investing in a healthy adulthood. The Municipality of Žiri, as the payer of health and sports education in primary schools, makes a significant contribution to this. The fact that parents of children and adolescents and other adults in Žire also take good care of their health is indicated by good indicators in the field of adult nutrition and a very good response to Žirfit - testing the physical capabilities of adult residents. That concern for health is close to the people of Žirov can also be seen in the excellent response to screening programs in the field of cancer, which is well above the Slovenian average and also above the target value of 70%.

The municipality recognizes health as an important factor for development and progress, so it includes this area in the municipal development strategy, monitors and evaluates the planned activities. It ensures good access to health care, residents have three family medicine doctors, a pediatrician and a psychiatrist at their disposal. The municipality has an integrated transport strategy, emphasizing sustainable mobility and raising awareness among the youngest about the importance of local self-sufficiency. Vulnerable groups of residents, especially children with special needs, receive special care. Jurys are an age-friendly municipality, and in 2020, the LAS for Health was established to prevent and reduce addiction. You can find more about health indicators in the municipality of Žiri at this link.

In 2021, the municipalities of Šentjur, Brda, Postojna, Dobrova – Polhov Gradec, Slovenska Bistrica, Gornja Radgona, Semič and Mislinja were among the nominated municipalities from other health regions.

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