The municipality of health 2020 is the municipality of Tolmin

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Municipality of Tolmin

At the Zlati kamen 2020 conference, which took place on February 11 in Ljubljana, the municipality of Tolmin received the Health Municipality award for 2020.

The municipality of Tolmin is implementing the Development Program 2013-2020, in which it committed itself to maintaining the network of public health services through various measures, including the Regional Scholarship Scheme, aimed at ensuring a sufficient number of health workers in the municipality. Health care in Tolmin is understood comprehensively, with measures that connect various services and activities.

The municipality of Tolmin is one of the municipalities that provides assistance to parents upon the birth of a child. With the adoption of the program for young people, which was created in a participatory process between young people and the municipality, the municipality outlined a medium-term strategy and received the Youth-Friendly Municipality certificate for this. In addition to the Youth Center, the Mala Hiša Children's Center also started operating in the municipality. In Tolmin, they support preventive programs of the Center for Social Work, such as Youth Voluntary Work, Work with foster parents and surrogate families, the TOM telephone Program, the Enjoy the Day and Don't Be Alone Program, and Active Age - Coexistence of Generations. We particularly highlight the co-financing of the home help program implemented by the Center for Social Work and the family assistant program. Through non-profit rents and subsidizing market rents, the municipality helps the socially weaker, and also ensures better mobility for the elderly. Care for the elderly is also reflected in the support of non-governmental organizations. In Tolmin, they are aware of the problem of addiction. Among other things, the Srečanje therapeutic community has been operating in its area for years. The municipality carefully invests in the health center, which covers a large area in Zgornje Posočje, and in sports infrastructure intended for a wide range of users.

Time trends of Health indicators in the municipality are improving. Among the indicators that are better than the Slovenian average in the municipality of Tolmin are the results of children's physical fitness, children's overnutrition, there is a high response to preventive programs, there is a positive indicator of drug recipients (diabetes, high blood pressure), new cases of cancer are decreasing and mortality due to all types of cancer, the indicators of injuries in transport accidents and traffic accidents with alcoholic agents are improving, a downward trend in the indicator of hip fractures in older residents and mortality due to cardiovascular diseases is also detected, compared to the Slovenian average, sick leave is also lower.

The other regional finalists in 2020 were the municipalities of Ljutomer, Ptuj, Črna na Koroškem, Velenje, Mokronog-Trebelno, Kočevje, Jesenice and Pivka.

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