The municipality of Logatec received the title Municipality of Health 2022

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Municipality of Logatec

On March 15, 2022, the National Institute of Public Health, in cooperation with Zlati Kamn, the leading Slovenian portal for monitoring the development of municipalities, awarded the Municipality of Health award for the third year in a row. In addition to the municipality of Logatec, the municipalities of Šentjur, Kanal ob Soči, Koper, Radovljica, Starše, Črenšovci, Mokronog-Trebelno and Ravne na Koroškem were among the nominated municipalities. All the selected municipalities have done a lot in the area of the health of their residents, which is why the selection of the health municipality was particularly difficult for the expert committee.

The merits of this year's Municipality of Health were highlighted by the head of the expert committee for the selection of the Municipality of Health, Radivoje Pribaković Brinovec, dr. med., spec., head of the Center for Management of Prevention and Health Promotion Programs at NIJZ: "The municipality of Logatec is one of the medium-sized Slovenian municipalities. In terms of demographics, the average age of its inhabitants is 3 years lower than the Slovenian average, and the municipality records a positive natural and increase in migration. The share of the working population is above average." and added: "Ensuring a quality of life, caring for social cohesion, promoting volunteerism and greater involvement of citizens in Logatec are implemented with concrete and sensibly selected and targeted projects. Logatec also excels in caring for a healthy environment. The values of key health indicators have continuously improved in recent years , among them we highlight the physical fitness of children and the proportion of overfed children and mortality from cancer. In development programs and projects in Logatec, priority is given to the principle of health in all policies, which is reflected in the municipal development strategies. one of the larger budget shares."

The values of key health indicators have been constantly improving in recent years, among which we particularly highlight the improved physical fitness of children and the reduced proportion of overnourished children. According to the self-assessment of good health, Logatec ranks among the top Slovenian municipalities.

In the municipality of Logatec, they are aware that in addition to the physical and ecological characteristics, the social characteristics of the local environment also contribute to good health and well-being to a large extent - infrastructural arrangement, acceptance and connection of the inhabitants, and an environmentally and economically sustainable social community. Therefore, in the development programs and projects in Logatec, priority is given to the principle of health in all policies, which is reflected in the municipal development strategies. The municipality is one of those that allocates one of the larger budget shares to broader health issues. Through its measures, the municipality strives to co-finance activities in the field of humanitarian programs, projects for the elderly and young people, culture, tourism, sports and other activities, which strengthens the satisfaction of citizens and enables the expansion, mutual cooperation and integration of societies, individuals and companies that contribute to a healthy lifestyle.

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