Frequently Asked Questions

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1. What are the sources of data that are published in Health in the municipality?

Each year we collaborate with a number of institutions that manage health-related databases to obtain data for our indicators. At the same time, the main condition for publication is the availability of data at the municipal level. Thus, when preparing the indicators, we use different data sources:

2. Why does the year of publication of the data not match the reference period of the displayed data?

NIJZ and all involved institutions usually collect data for the past year, and in most cases, after the process of collection, purification and analysis, the collections are completed by June 30. for the past year. Health in the municipality is published every year in April, so the first possible publication of data for a given year in Health in the municipality is 15 months after the end of the reference period (with data from the OIL Cancer Registry, there is a delay of 2 years). Due to the small size of the municipalities, most of the indicators are recalculated to the averages of previous years (in most cases, they are five-year averages).

3. Why are some indicators shown in multi-year averages?

Municipalities in Slovenia are relatively small in terms of population, so the values of some indicators can show a sudden increase or decrease in a phenomenon that creates a false expectation for future events. This happens because one example in a small population means a large value e.g. in the share of inhabitants. Therefore, for such not very common events (e.g. infection with tick-borne meningoencephalitis, heart attack or various cases of cancer), we show the data using multi-year averages, where in most cases we take a five-year period, and in some cases also ten-year periods. Changes in the value of such indicators should be interpreted carefully.

4. Where is the reference period for each indicator described?

The reference period (that is, the period to which the data converted into the indicator refers) is available by clicking with the mouse on the symbolnext to the name of each indicator in the online table of indicators of each municipality. The reference periods are also indicated in the pdf-publication for each municipality. They are located in the legend under the indicator table on page 4 of the pdf document.

5. Why are some indicators not published every year?

We obtain data for most indicators from regular collections, which is why we publish them every year. Indicators relating to risky behaviors and self-assessments are only available from national surveys, which are carried out periodically by NIJZ (every four or six years). For example: indicators 2.3 Smokers, 2.4 High-risk drinking, 2.7 Neighborhood cohesion and 4.1. Self-assessment of good health is based on data from the national health and healthcare survey (EHIS - European Health Interview Survey), which is conducted every 5-7 years. Data for indicators 2.8 Brushing teeth, 2.9 Overnutrition of adults, 2.10 Noisy environment are obtained from the CINDI survey (Health-related behavioral style), which is carried out every 4 years. Indicator 2.11 The prevalence of marijuana users comes from the National Survey on the use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, which is conducted every 6 years.

Indicators from surveys are recalculated to the level of municipalities on the basis of statistical modeling. Here, the methodology described in the publication Health in the municipality – Development and definitions is used, which is available at the following link (page 16): %20in%20definitions.pdf

6. What does the red line and other colored markings in the central graph mean?

In the pane of each municipality there is a visual representation of the data in the form of a central graph. The graphic comparison provides a quick view of the location of the municipality in relation to the national and regional average. The vertical red line indicates the average for Slovenia. The horizontal gray rectangles indicate the range of indicator values across all municipalities from the lowest to the highest. The position of the selected municipality in relation to the average of Slovenia and other municipalities is shown by colored triangles, squares and circles. The green color means that the selected municipality is statistically significantly better than the average of the rest of Slovenia. The blue color means that the selected municipality is statistically significantly different from the average of the rest of Slovenia, but the desired movement of the indicator cannot be determined unambiguously. The yellow color means that the selected municipality does not statistically significantly differ from the average of the rest of Slovenia. The white color means that the value of the indicator is unreliable due to the small number of cases. The red color means that the selected municipality is statistically significantly worse than the average of the rest of Slovenia. All these explanations are also listed below the graph.

7. What do the data on the number of recipients of prescriptions for certain drugs show?

The indicators Health in the municipality are intended to show the health status of the inhabitants of Slovenian municipalities and to compare them. The presented indicators are estimated on the basis of various data sources. To estimate the prevalence of certain diseases (e.g. diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and mental diseases), we do not have direct data sources, but it is necessary to use an estimate based on indirect indicators, for example, with the help of the number of recipients of certain drugs in pharmacies. Similar assessments are also being prepared in other countries where data of similar quality are available on medicines dispensed in pharmacies. Ideally, data on the incidence and prevalence of chronic non-communicable diseases should be collected in a registry. Such registers do not yet exist in Slovenia, so the prevalence of certain diseases can best be estimated with the help of data on recipients of outpatient prescription drugs

8. What should be paid attention to in the indicator "Asthma in children and adolescents"?

NIJZ monitors two indicators for asthma in children and adolescents aged between 0 and 19 years: the number of hospitalizations and the number of visits at the primary and secondary level, but we do not record the prevalence of asthma in children/adolescents. On the portal Health in the municipality, we show the rate of hospital treatment for asthma in children and adolescents, which represents the calculation of the absolute number of hospitalizations of people in this age group per 1,000 children and adolescents in a calendar year. We are aware that the indicator shows only the tip of the iceberg among children and adolescents with asthma in Slovenia, as we are only talking about the most severe cases that require hospitalization. Nevertheless, this indicator is the only one that can be used to show an approximation of the situation at the municipal level. Therefore, care must be taken when interpreting this indicator, as it is highly dependent on the pediatrician's guidance and, in some cases, the parents' education on how to act in case of asthma attacks. These factors affect the number of hospitalizations, so the indicator is not a good indicator of the prevalence of asthma in children, but the best approximation that can be published at the level of the municipality of the child's residence.

9. Why is the value of the Children's Physical Fitness indicator not comparable by age?

The indicator "Health-related physical fitness of primary school children and adolescents" shows what proportion of children in each Slovenian municipality achieves the appropriate level of physical activity. It is calculated based on the four movement abilities that contribute most to reducing health risk: muscular endurance, aerobic endurance, muscular strength and mobility. The indicator is calculated as the average value of the standardized values of four movement measurement tasks, according to age and gender:

  • trunk lift,
  • 600 m run,
  • bent over on the bench,
  • all in a joint.

For each individual measurement, the average for all measured children in Slovenia, region, administrative unit and municipality is calculated for each year. The average of the measured values for an individual parameter in Slovenia is determined as the 50th percentile, the municipal average of the measured value is expressed as a deviation from the Slovenian average. When evaluating this indicator, it must be taken into account that the index values of each individual municipality are not comparable between years, as the Slovenian average is determined anew every year. To compare the position of the municipality between years and with other municipalities, it is necessary to take into account the rank of the municipality in each year, which is shown in an Excel table with data. Measurements for the calculation of the motor efficiency index are performed on approximately 96% of primary school children between the ages of 6 and 15. Children were measured in all municipalities that have at least one primary school in their area. Branch schools are considered in the municipality of the parent school. Municipalities that do not have a primary school are assigned the movement efficiency index of children from the municipality in which the school is located, whose school district the area of the municipality belongs to.