Site Terms of Use

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1. Introduction

For the purposes of this notice, the website is a term that includes all websites at the address

2. Site Content

All content on the website is of an informative nature and primarily serves to provide information. The National Institute of Public Health (NIJZ) undertakes to do everything in its power to ensure that the information on the website is true, reliable and of high quality. With this, it is not responsible for possible typographical errors and for delays and deficiencies in entering up-to-date data.

3. Copyright protection

This website is the exclusive property of NIJZ, therefore any misuse of data, images, texts and other data that are part of this website is prohibited. Any copying, distribution or other use of all the above-mentioned data without prior knowledge and permission of NIJZ is prohibited.

4. Privacy protection

When you visit the website for the first time, a "cookie" is saved on your computer, which you can remove yourself or prevent it from being saved with the appropriate settings. Cookies are small files that ensure better communication with the website and with the help of which, for example, the website can manage your personal settings. It is important to know that through these files we cannot in any way access your personal data or the data on your computer, except for those that are publicly available (browser type, operating system type, etc.). Data that you will enter on the website, are sent to us via the Internet in an unprotected electronic form, so they may also be available to third parties. To protect your identity and privacy, do not enter personal data that you do not want to be disclosed.

5. Editorial policy

The NIJZ website is managed by the NIJZ Communication Service. The contents and information on the NIJZ website are based on professional and scientific findings. The contents of the NIJZ website are prepared and approved by content experts, employees of the NIJZ, and edited by the NIJZ Communication Service.

6. External links

Our website also includes links to websites that are not part of this website. We are not responsible for the content on these pages.

7. Contact

NIJZ can be contacted via the specified telephone number, email address or contact form, which are located at the foot of the website. NIJZ will respond to questions or comments as soon as possible.

8. Change of Terms

NIJZ reserves the right to change the general conditions without prior warning. Changes take effect as soon as they are published. Because of these rights, please read the terms of use and conditions carefully each time you visit our website.

9. Jurisdiction

For interpretation and all legal issues related to the use of materials published on these websites, exclusively Slovenian law is used. The court in Ljubljana has jurisdiction over claims and disputes related to the use of the mentioned materials.

10. Conclusion

By entering the website, you agree that you are aware of and agree to all of the above conditions.

We wish you a pleasant visit!